Sasha Portnova receives Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award

Sasha Portnova received the Department of Mechanical Engineering Outstanding Research Award during her undergrad graduation ceremony. Congratulations to Sasha for a most deserved award for her dedication to individuals with impaired upper limb mobility and perseverance in custom-fit, affordable orthoses. Next year Sasha will head to Northwestern University to continue her studies in Mechanical Engineering. Go Biomechanics and go Sasha!Nate Sniadecki shakes hands with Sasha Portnova as he hands her the Undergraduate Research award placard at the graduation ceremony. Nate Sniadecki, Per Reinhall, and awardee, Sasha Portnova pose with the award placard at graduation ceremony.

Congratulations Michael Rosenberg, on your selection to join the TL1 Summer Program!

PhD student Michael Rosenberg smiles in front of a purple wall wearing a tan sweater.

MichaelRosenbergMichael Rosenberg has been selected among a very competitive group of applicants to join the TL1 Multidisciplinary Predoctoral Clinical Research Summer Training Program for 2016. The training and program is funded by NIH.

Through the TL1 program’s interdisciplinary clinical and translational research experience, Michael will gain skills and development tools to help advance his research career.

The program focuses on enabling students to work with teams conducting research in the laboratory, in clinical/translational health care settings, and in the community.

Congratulations, Michael!



Kat Steele receives Junior Faculty Award from the College of Engineering

Members of the DO-IT A-team visit the Steele Lab and learn about engineering.Kat Steele won the Junior Faculty Award for her novel and innovative research in biomechanics, high level of commitment to students and teaching, enhancement of participation of under-represented groups, and a direct contribution to the quality of the life of kids with cerebral palsy. Congratulations, Kat! The Mechanical Engineering department was awarded three of the total eight awards for the College of Engineering. Congratulations to Mark Jankauski for winning the Student Teaching Award  and Eric Seibel who won the Faculty Research Award.

Kat Steele is awarded the American Society of Biomechanics Young Investigator Award

Kat SteeleOur lab is very happy to announce that Dr. Kat Steele is the winner of the prestigious American Society of Biomechanics Young Investigator Award. This annual award recognizes early achievements by promising young scientists. Kat will present her work during a special awards session at the annual ASB meeting August 2-5, 2016 in Raleigh, North Carolina. She will also be featured in an article in the Journal of Biomechanics. Go Kat!