Damon Qilang Ding

Headshot of young man wearing black glasses, navy sweater, and white button up smiling in front of a tan wall

Portrait photo of young man wearing black glasses, navy sweater and white button-up undershirt in front of a tan wall


Undergraduate, Mechanical Engineering – University of Washington


Damon is interested in conducting theoretical, computational and experimental research in control for dynamic systems. He wants to incorporate mechanical, electrical and software components with machines to process information and make decisions autonomously. Currently, he is assisting in fabricating a dynamic walking robot to understand how altered control affects bipedal locomotion.


Swimming, scuba diving, and movies


Katherine Chamblin

Katherine Chamblin


Undergraduate, Speech and Hearing Sciences, minor in Disability Studies – University of Washington


Katherine is interested in what beliefs and views of dis/ability, human performance, and assistive technology a) persons with disabilities and their families, and b) professionals and students in academia and technology development have. Furthermore, Katherine would like to investigate how these perspectives influence both groups’ expectations and development of technology created for persons with disabilities. This summer, she hopes to study the intersection between disability and technology, and compare the perceptions and expectations of users and creators of technology aimed to aid persons with disabilities.


Foreign Languages, Travel, Architecture, Running, and Reading


Ava Lakmazaheri

Ava Lakmazaheri

Ava smiling wearing a black sweater.


Undergraduate, Mechanical Engineering – Olin College of Engineering


Ava is interested in exploring the intersection of engineering, neuroscience, and personality psychology to develop assistive technologies. At the Steele Lab, she works on optimizing musculoskeletal models for children with cerebral palsy.


Dance, Reading, Drawing


Robin Zhexuan Yan

Robin Zhexuan Yan

Robin smiled in front of lake with green trees.EDUCATION

Undergraduate, Mechanical Engineering, minor in Applied Mathematics – University of Washington


Robin is interested in the broad interdisciplinary study between mechanical engineering and biomedical research. In particular, he is interested in using mechanical engineering knowledge to better understand and quantify how the human body works, and in return designing to improve the life of people. His previous research projects were focused on cell biomechanics, and his current research is on the motor control strategy in clinical gait emulation.


 travel, photography, badminton, movies

Claire Mitchell

Claire smiles at the camera outside in front of a green foliage background. She has brown, curly hair (shoulder length) and wears a black blouse with a floral pattern on it.

Claire smiles at the camera outside in front of a green foliage background. She has brown, curly hair (shoulder length) and wears a black blouse with a floral pattern on it.EDUCATION

BS, Bioengineering and Minor in Applied Mathematics – University of Washington


During her time in the lab she worked to develop a website to make EMG and synergy calculation more accessible for clinicians and researchers. Her current research interests are in motor control, EMG and motor unit analysis, and the production of tools to better assist analysis in these areas.


Skiing, biking, and baking