Kat Steele presents at Gait & Clinical Movement Analysis Society Conference and receives Kevin Granata Young Investigator Award:
How do muscle contributions to support and propulsion change during crouch gait
Grand Rapids, MI (May 12, 2012)
Kat Steele presents at Gait & Clinical Movement Analysis Society Conference and receives Kevin Granata Young Investigator Award:
How do muscle contributions to support and propulsion change during crouch gait
Grand Rapids, MI (May 12, 2012)
Kat Steele presents at Biocomputation at Stanford and is awarded Best Student Presentation:
How do muscle contributions to motion change with crouch severity?
Stanford, CA (November 12, 2011)
Kat Steele presents at International Society of Biomechanics Conference:
How much muscle strength is required to walk in a crouch gait?
Brussels, Belgium (July 3-7, 2011)
Kat Steele presents at Rocky Mountain American Society of Biomechanics Meeting:
Contributions to support and progression during crouch gait
Estes Park, CO (April 8-9, 2011)
Kat Steele presents at Biocomputation at Stanford and receives 2nd place in Student Presentation Competition:
Contributions of the ankle plantarflexors to joint and mass center accelerations during crouch gait
Stanford, CA (November 7, 2009)