Congratulations – Ben Shuman is awarded a UWIN Neural Engineering Graduate Fellowship.

Ben_FullOur PhD student, Ben Shuman, has been selected as a Graduate Fellow for the UW Institute for Neuroengineering. The UWIN Fellowship provides two years of support and is a highly prestigious and selective competition. Congratulations, Ben!

Ben’s research uses clinically measured muscle activations (electromyographic data) and the framework of muscle synergies to determine patient specific measures of motor control. His work seeks to examine whether muscle synergies are predictive of or related to clinical treatment outcomes such as improved walking function in patients with cerebral palsy.

Finalist for David Winter Award

Dr. Steele has been selected as one of five finalists for the David Winter's biomechanics book.David Winter Young Investigator Award at the International Society of Biomechanics. She will be presenting in the award session on Wednesday, July 15th at the conference in Glasgow. She will be presenting the results of her research on:

Altered muscle synergies during gait in cerebral palsy are not due to altered kinematics or kinetics.

Sasha Portnova – Best Poster at NWBS!

Alex presenting her poster at the Northwest Biomechanics Symposium.

Sasha Portnova – Northwest Biomechanics Symposium Best Poster Award!

Sasha Portnova, a junior in mechanical engineering who has been doing research in our lab for the past year was awarded the Best Poster Award – BS/MS Category at the 2015 Northwest Biomechanics Symposium. Her research focuses on using 3D-printing to improve the design of upper-extremity orthoses for individuals with spinal cord injury and other neurologic disorders.

Dr. Steele is awarded an NSF CAREER Award!

Congratulations to Dr. Kat Steele on her NSF CAREER Award!

Kat SteeleAs a recipient, Dr. Steele will focus on individuals who rely on orthoses for assistance while walking, such as cerebral palsy and stroke survivors, in order to improve human ability. Neuromuscular control and musculoskeletal dynamics will be modeled from motion capture in order to create simulations. Dynamic simulation provides an ideal framework to specify and test different neuromuscular control strategies and expand our ability to design optimized exoskeletons. For more information, click HERE.