KM Steele, B Blaser, M Cakmak (2018) “Accessible Making: Designing makerspaces for accessibility” International Journal of Designs for Learning

Journal article in International Journal for Designs for Learning


The purpose of makerspaces is to increase access to “making” among the general community. Because of this social justice orientation, it is important to consider how welcoming and accessible makerspaces are to individuals with diverse abilities, including individuals with disabilities. This design brief examines a three-step process used to make a university-based makerspace more accessible and welcoming to
individuals with disabilities including a tour, design activity, and brainstorming session. The process helped identify simple changes that were made to the makerspace, as well as increasing student, faculty, and community access. Using a similar process, other makerspaces could improve the accessibility of their spaces, procedures, and tools.

Makerspaces provide the general community with a space to brainstorm, prototype, and create. Considering this, it is especially important to create a welcoming environment for individuals with diverse abilities, including individuals with disabilities.

To read the article in full, CLICK HERE.Students participate in a prototyping challenge in our makerspace exploration.



AccessEngineering featured on UW College of Engineering’s website

Thanks to AccessEngineering and other DO-IT programs, I don’t feel like I’m pursuing my education alone, or that I have to figure out how to overcome obstacles that others don’t have to by myself.

AccessEngineering, an interdisciplinary universal design program co-led by Dr. Kat Steele at the University of Washington, was featured on the College of Engineering’s news webpage.

Since it’s launch in 2014, AccessEngineering has sought to champion the development of a diverse, well-prepared workforce of engineering graduates and university faculty. One of the key ways that this program seeks to promote this agenda is by increasing general participation of individuals with disabilities in engineering. AccessEngineering also aims to promote their core goals by improving engineering education. The primary means by which this group seeks to enrich the curriculum is by integrating disability-related and universal design content into engineering courses.

Dr. Kat Steele coordinates AccessEngineering at the UW with Dr. Maya Cakmak, an assistant professor in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, and Dr. Sheryl Burgstahler, director of UW Access Technology and the DO-IT Center.

To read about AccessEngineering program as posted on College of Engineering website, follow this LINK, or visit the program’s website.

An introduction to HuskyADAPT (Accessible Design and Play Technology)

A team of volunteer students work together to solder an adaptive switch onto a toy in time for the holidays.About HuskyADAPT: HuskyADAPT (Accessible Design and Play Technology) is a new collaboration between the UW Departments of Bioengineering, Mechanical Engineering, the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, and the Division of Physical Therapy.

The Problem: Play is important for all age groups – for socialization, development, learning, and community engagement. In the Pacific Northwest, there are over 1.5 million people with disabilities- people who face a lack of access to environments and experiences that are inclusively designed to enable meaningful engagement in life and play.

Our Goal: We aim to create the first adaptive toy lending library in our state and in the region, including on-line infrastructure for sharing open-source designs, integrating outreach events to encourage underrepresented groups in STEM, and expanding access to inclusive play technology. Because Play is for Everyone!

To learn more, visit our website, facebook page, or follow this link for HuskyADAPT visuals (PDF).

Upcoming Webinar – Making Engineering Welcoming and Accessible for Students with Disabilities

Upcoming Webinar – Making Engineering Welcoming and Accessible for Students with Disabilities

Making Engineering Welcoming and Accessible for Students with Disabilities

Check out this upcoming webinar featuring some of our AccessEngineering team!

Date and Time
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Complimentary 1-hour session! 1-2 pm ET, 12-1 pm CT, 11 am-12 pm MT, 10-11 am PTSponsored by NAPE, STEM Equity Pipeline, and the National Science Foundation


This webinar focuses on strategies for making engineering welcoming and accessible for students with disabilities. The University of Washington presenters run the AccessEngineering program, a nationwide program that works to increase the participation of people with disabilities in engineering academic programs and careers and improve engineering with their expertise. Project staffs engage faculty and students nationwide in efforts to (1) better serve a diverse student body, including students with a broad range of disabilities, in engineering courses and programs, and (2) integrate relevant accessibility-related and universal design content into engineering courses.

Intended Audience Community college, high school and university faculty, counselors, CTE and STEM staff

Objectives Participants will

  1. Gain an understanding of AccessEngineering and strategies to better serve a diverse student body.
  2. Learn methods to integrate disability-related and universal design content into engineering courses.
  3. Become familiar with strategies to make engineering labs and maker spaces accessible.


Register for this 1-hour complimentary webinar on Wednesday, January 18, 2017. Once you register for the complimentary event, information and instructions about accessing the event will be sent to your email address



December Toy Hack – Featured on Local News and UW Media

The University of Washington’s new program Husky ADAPT was featured on King 5 news during a toy adaptation workshop.

We adapted toys to allow for a variation of accessible switches to be used by children with diverse abilities. This way, instead of having to use a large degree of force to activate a typical hard to reach ON/OFF switch, children and adults alike can use a switch that works best for them to interact, learn, and most importantly play. This workshop also served to educate engineers about universal design.

What if we didn’t have to adapt toys? What if more toys were accessible off-the-shelf to individuals with diverse abilities? Hopefully all the students will remember these small lessons as they design products and environments in the future.” -Kat Steele

To read about the toy adaptation as posted on the ME Departmental website, follow this LINK or CLICK HERE if on campus.


A daughter, who normally would not be able to activate this toy train, uses her own switch to activate a toy train.