AccessEngineering featured on UW College of Engineering’s website

Thanks to AccessEngineering and other DO-IT programs, I don’t feel like I’m pursuing my education alone, or that I have to figure out how to overcome obstacles that others don’t have to by myself.

AccessEngineering, an interdisciplinary universal design program co-led by Dr. Kat Steele at the University of Washington, was featured on the College of Engineering’s news webpage.

Since it’s launch in 2014, AccessEngineering has sought to champion the development of a diverse, well-prepared workforce of engineering graduates and university faculty. One of the key ways that this program seeks to promote this agenda is by increasing general participation of individuals with disabilities in engineering. AccessEngineering also aims to promote their core goals by improving engineering education. The primary means by which this group seeks to enrich the curriculum is by integrating disability-related and universal design content into engineering courses.

Dr. Kat Steele coordinates AccessEngineering at the UW with Dr. Maya Cakmak, an assistant professor in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, and Dr. Sheryl Burgstahler, director of UW Access Technology and the DO-IT Center.

To read about AccessEngineering program as posted on College of Engineering website, follow this LINK, or visit the program’s website.

Lab members attend the Society of Women Engineers 2017 Conference

Momona Yamagami and Karley Benoff attended the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) 2017 conference in Austin, TX. Momona presented on her work with assessing a flexible electrode for long-term electromyography measurements and placed among the top 10 finalists in the graduate research poster competition for SWE. Congratulations Momona!

Momona Yamagami presents her research during a poster session


Karley said that SWE 17 was an incredible experience filled with opportunities for professional growth and networking. Here are some of her impressions:

“My favorite guest talk was titled “TECHing While Women and with Disability” where five panelists shared their experiences navigating the engineering world with a disability and/or as an advocate for those with disabilities. Dr. Richard Ladner of the University or Washington CSE department (pictured with Karley below) was one of the panelists. His research on accessible technology, especially technology for the blind, deaf, deaf-blind, and hard-of-hearing, was truly inspiring. The panelists’ presentations provided a unique perspective for approaching user-centered design. I hope to use the lessons learned from the panelists, as well as from all of the SWE 17 attendees I met, to better inform the development of my orthosis project this year. By targeting accessibility and user-centered design, I aspire to develop a universal elbow-driven orthosis that will improve function for users with a wide variety of abilities.

The panelist idea is something HuskyADAPT wants to organize for its club members. Since I am an officer in the club, we are currently trying to plan such an event to better inform design teams and members alike about peoples’ experiences living with disabilities. By understanding what each individual needs, we can better design devices and technology to address what the user wants.”

Karley Benoff with one of the panelists Dr. Richard Ladner of the University or Washington CSE department


Daniel Ballesteros, Wing-Sum Law, and Claire Mitchell Present

Congratulations to Daniel, Wing-Sum and Claire for their excellent work this summer. We had the privilege of hosting three undergraduate students through the Summer Scholars program through Co-Motion and the Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering here at the University of Washington.

Daniel presented in Mary Gates Hall on his research involving the implementation of a pediatric exoskeleton into low-resource countries:

Daniel fields a question from a member of the University of Washington community during his poster session at Mary Gates Hall. Claire researched how varying muscles impact synergy outcomes:


Claire Mitchell presents her poster at the Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering


Wing-Sum assessed the impact of an ankle foot orthosis on muscle demands in children with cerebral palsy and typically developing peers:

Wing-Sum presents her research during a poster session

Lab members present at the 2017 American Society of Biomechanics

Ben Shuman, Michael Rosenberg, Keshia Peters, and Kat Steele all presented posters during the 2017 American Society of Biomechanics conference in Boulder, CO.

Dr. Steele also presented during a session which encompassed ASB and the Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society to invoke discussion about technical challenges in clinical motion analysis.

Great work, everyone!

Ben Shuman discusses his poster Michael Rosenberg walks through the results section of his poster with a fellow ASB member.