Kat Steele presents at Neural Control of Movement
Using musculoskeletal modeling and simulation to investigate the accuracy and reliability of muscle synergies
San Juan, Puerto Rico (April 17-20, 2013)
Kat Steele presents at Neural Control of Movement
Using musculoskeletal modeling and simulation to investigate the accuracy and reliability of muscle synergies
San Juan, Puerto Rico (April 17-20, 2013)
Kat Steele presents at International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering Conference:
The number and choice of muscles impact the results of muscle synergy analyses
Salt Lake City, Utah (April 2-6, 2013)
Journal article accepted in Journal of Biomechanics
A rolling constraint reduces ground reaction forces and moments in dynamic simulations of walking, running, and crouch gait
Recent advances in computational technology have dramatically increased the use of muscle-driven simulation to study accelerations produced by muscles during gait. Accelerations computed from muscle-driven simulations are sensitive to the model used to represent contact between the foot and ground. A foot-ground contact model must be able to calculate ground reaction forces and moments that are consistent with experimentally measured ground reaction forces and moments. We show here that a rolling constraint can model foot-ground contact and reproduce measured ground reaction forces and moments in an induced acceleration analysis of muscle-driven simulations of walking, running, and crouch gait. We also illustrate that a point constraint and a weld constraint used to model foot-ground contact in previous studies produce inaccurate reaction moments and lead to contradictory interpretations of muscle function. To enable others to use and test these different constraint types (i.e., rolling, point, and weld constraints) we have included them as part of an induced acceleration analysis in OpenSim, a freely-available biomechanics simulation package. PDF
Journal article accepted in Gait & Posture:
Muscle contributions to vertical and fore-aft accelerations are altered in subjects with crouch gait.
The goals of this study were to determine if the muscle contributions to vertical and fore-aft acceleration of the mass center differ between crouch gait and unimpaired gait and if these muscle contributions change with crouch severity. Examining muscle contributions to mass center acceleration provides insight into the roles of individual muscles during gait and can provide guidance for treatment planning. We calculated vertical and fore-aft accelerations using musculoskeletal simulations of typically developing children and children with cerebral palsy and crouch gait. Analysis of these simulations revealed that during unimpaired gait the quadriceps produce large upward and backward accelerations during early stance, whereas the ankle plantarflexors produce large upward and forward accelerations later in stance. In contrast, during crouch gait, the quadriceps and ankle plantarflexors produce large, opposing fore-aft accelerations throughout stance. The quadriceps force required to accelerate the mass center upward was significantly larger in crouch gait than in unimpaired gait and increased with crouch severity. The gluteus medius accelerated the mass center upward during midstance in unimpaired gait; however, during crouch gait the upward acceleration produced by the gluteus medius was significantly reduced. During unimpaired gait the quadriceps and ankle plantarflexors accelerate the mass center at different times, efficiently modulating fore-aft accelerations. However, during crouch gait, the quadriceps and ankle plantarflexors produce fore-aft accelerations at the same time and the opposing fore-aft accelerations generated by these muscles contribute to the inefficiency of crouch gait. PDF
Kat Steele presents at European Society for Movement Analysis Conference:
A model of muscle spasticity in OpenSim
Stockholm, Sweden (September 12, 2012)