Congratulations – Damon Ding is awarded UWIN’s Innovation Undergraduate Fellowship in Neuroengineering.

Portrait photo of young man wearing black glasses, navy sweater and white button-up undershirt in front of a tan wallOur undergraduate student, Damon Qilang Ding, has been awarded the Innovation Undergraduate Fellowship  the UW’s Institute for Neuroengineering. The UWIN Fellowship provides funding for Damon to conduct research in his upcoming quarters and is a highly prestigious and selective competition. Congratulations, Damon!

Damon’s research is to lead a fabrication, assembly, and tuning of a dynamic walking bipedal robot, which will serve as a testbed for validating the Ability & Innovation lab’s simulation framework evaluating whether discrepancy modeling with data-driven approaches enables more accurate dynamic solutions of bipedal movement with both unaltered and altered control.

NBC Learn: Exoskeletons and Engineering

NBC Learn logo for the Discovering YOU series - engineer your world. Supported by NSF, Chevron, and ASEE.

We partnered with NBC Learn to share some of our work on exoskeletons to help encourage students to consider a career in engineering. What can be more exciting than musculoskeletal modeling, exoskeletons, horses, and stuffed animals?

Check out the video – a lesson plan will also be posted soon for classrooms to use.

Go team!