KM Steele, S Brunhaver, SD Sheppard (2014) “Feedback from in-class worksheets and discussion improves performance on the Statics Concept Inventory.” International Journal of Engineering Education

KM Steele, S Brunhaver, SD Sheppard (2014) “Feedback from in-class worksheets and discussion improves performance on the Statics Concept Inventory.” International Journal of Engineering Education

Journal article accepted in International Journal of Engineering Education:

Feedback from in-class worksheets and discussion improves performance on the Statics Concept Inventory.

The Statics Concept Inventory (SCI) is used to evaluate students’ conceptual understanding in introductory mechanics courses. Previous studies have shown that although performance on the SCI improves at the end of a course, performance is often still unsatisfactory with scores well below 100%. In this study, we sought to determine if providing feedback on conceptual topics through in-class worksheets and discussion would improve students’ performance on the SCI. To test this hypothesis, we designed eight multiple-choice worksheets, each inspired by a different topic on the SCI, for use during an introductory mechanics course. In order to evaluate the impact of the worksheets on SCI performance, we divided the eight worksheets into two groups and each group of worksheets was deployed in a different offering of the course. Each worksheet was completed at the end of a class period and, at the beginning of the next class period, the instructor led a discussion of the results and common misconceptions on each worksheet. Students took the SCI at the beginning and end of the course and the change in SCI scores for topics with and without worksheets were compared. Results from both course offerings indicated that the in-class worksheets were effective at improving performance on the SCI, as SCI scores improved significantly more for topics that had worksheets than the topics that did not have worksheets. Furthermore, overall SCI performance at the end of each course was greater than in previous courses. These results suggest that a quick and easy-to-implement addition to the curriculum using in-class worksheets and next-class discussion were effective at providing feedback on conceptual topics, exposing misconceptions, and improving performance on the SCI. The worksheets developed as part of this study are available on-line for other instructors to use ( The SCI is also free to use and can be found at cihub.orgPDF

KM Steele, MC Tresch, EJ Perreault, (2013) “The number and choice of muscles impact the results of muscle synergy analyses,” Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience

tVAF decreases with increasing number of muscles included in synergy analysis

Journal article accepted in Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience:

The number and choice of muscles impact the results of muscle synergy analyses

One theory for how humans control movement is that muscles are activated in weighted groups or synergies. Studies have shown that electromyography (EMG) from a variety of tasks can be described by a low-dimensional space thought to reflect synergies. These studies use algorithms, such as nonnegative matrix factorization, to identify synergies from EMG. Due to experimental constraints, EMG can rarely be taken from all muscles involved in a task. However, it is unclear if the choice of muscles included in the analysis impacts estimated synergies. The aim of our study was to evaluate the impact of the number and choice of muscles on synergy analyses. We used a musculoskeletal model to calculate muscle activations required to perform an isometric upper-extremity task. Synergies calculated from the activations from the musculoskeletal model were similar to a prior experimental study. To evaluate the impact of the number of muscles included in the analysis, we randomly selected subsets of between 5 and 29 muscles and compared the similarity of the synergies calculated from each subset to a master set of synergies calculated from all muscles. We determined that the structure of synergies is dependent upon the number and choice of muscles included in the analysis. When five muscles were included in the analysis, the similarity of the synergies to the master set was only 0.57 ± 0.54; however, the similarity improved to over 0.8 with more than ten muscles. We identified two methods, selecting dominant muscles from the master set or selecting muscles with the largest maximum isometric force, which significantly improved similarity to the master set and can help guide future experimental design. Analyses that included a small subset of muscles also over-estimated the variance accounted for (VAF) by the synergies compared to an analysis with all muscles. Thus, researchers should use caution using VAF to evaluate synergies when EMG is measured from a small subset of muscles. PDF

SR Hamner, A Seth, KM Steele, SL Delp, (2013) “A rolling constraint reduces ground reaction forces and moments in dynamic simulations of walking, running, and crouch gait.” Journal of Biomechanics

SR Hamner, A Seth, KM Steele, SL Delp, (2013) “A rolling constraint reduces ground reaction forces and moments in dynamic simulations of walking, running, and crouch gait.” Journal of Biomechanics

Journal article accepted in Journal of Biomechanics

A rolling constraint reduces ground reaction forces and moments in dynamic simulations of walking, running, and crouch gait

Recent advances in computational technology have dramatically increased the use of muscle-driven simulation to study accelerations produced by muscles during gait. Accelerations computed from muscle-driven simulations are sensitive to the model used to represent contact between the foot and ground. A foot-ground contact model must be able to calculate ground reaction forces and moments that are consistent with experimentally measured ground reaction forces and moments. We show here that a rolling constraint can model foot-ground contact and reproduce measured ground reaction forces and moments in an induced acceleration analysis of muscle-driven simulations of walking, running, and crouch gait. We also illustrate that a point constraint and a weld constraint used to model foot-ground contact in previous studies produce inaccurate reaction moments and lead to contradictory interpretations of muscle function. To enable others to use and test these different constraint types (i.e., rolling, point, and weld constraints) we have included them as part of an induced acceleration analysis in OpenSim, a freely-available biomechanics simulation package. PDF

KM Steele, A Seth, JL Hicks, MH Schwartz, SL Delp, (2013) “Muscle contributions to vertical and fore-aft accelerations are altered in subjects with crouch gait.” Gait & Posture

Musculoskeletal simulation used to evaluate crouch gait dynamics.

Journal article accepted in Gait & Posture:

Muscle contributions to vertical and fore-aft accelerations are altered in subjects with crouch gait.

The goals of this study were to determine if the muscle contributions to vertical and fore-aft acceleration of the mass center differ between crouch gait and unimpaired gait and if these muscle contributions change with crouch severity. Examining muscle contributions to mass center acceleration provides insight into the roles of individual muscles during gait and can provide guidance for treatment planning. We calculated vertical and fore-aft accelerations using musculoskeletal simulations of typically developing children and children with cerebral palsy and crouch gait. Analysis of these simulations revealed that during unimpaired gait the quadriceps produce large upward and backward accelerations during early stance, whereas the ankle plantarflexors produce large upward and forward accelerations later in stance. In contrast, during crouch gait, the quadriceps and ankle plantarflexors produce large, opposing fore-aft accelerations throughout stance. The quadriceps force required to accelerate the mass center upward was significantly larger in crouch gait than in unimpaired gait and increased with crouch severity. The gluteus medius accelerated the mass center upward during midstance in unimpaired gait; however, during crouch gait the upward acceleration produced by the gluteus medius was significantly reduced. During unimpaired gait the quadriceps and ankle plantarflexors accelerate the mass center at different times, efficiently modulating fore-aft accelerations. However, during crouch gait, the quadriceps and ankle plantarflexors produce fore-aft accelerations at the same time and the opposing fore-aft accelerations generated by these muscles contribute to the inefficiency of crouch gait. PDF

KM Steele, M van der Krogt, M Schwartz, SL Delp, (2012)“How much muscle strength is required to walk in a crouch gait?” Journal of Biomechanics

KM Steele, M van der Krogt, M Schwartz, SL Delp, (2012)“How much muscle strength is required to walk in a crouch gait?” Journal of Biomechanics

Journal article accepted in Journal of Biomechanics:

How much muscle strength is required to walk in a crouch gait?

Muscle weakness is commonly cited as a cause of crouch gait in individuals with cerebral palsy; however, outcomes after strength training are variable and mechanisms by which muscle weakness may contribute to crouch gait are unclear. Understanding how much muscle strength is required to walk in a crouch gait compared to an unimpaired gait may provide insight into how muscle weakness contributes to crouch gait and assist in the design of strength training programs. The goal of this study was to examine how much muscle groups could be weakened before crouch gait becomes impossible. To investigate this question, we first created muscle-driven simulations of gait for three typically developing children and six children with cerebral palsy who walked with varying degrees of crouch severity. We then simulated muscle weakness by systematically reducing the maximum isometric force of each muscle group until the simulation could no longer reproduce each subject’s gait. This analysis indicated that moderate crouch gait required significantly more knee extensor strength than unimpaired gait. In contrast, moderate crouch gait required significantly less hip abductor strength than unimpaired gait, and mild crouch gait required significantly less ankle plantarflexor strength than unimpaired gait. The reduced strength required from the hip abductors and ankle plantarflexors during crouch gait suggests that weakness of these muscle groups may contribute to crouch gait and that these muscle groups are potential targets for strength training. PDF