KM Steele, RW Jackson, BR Shuman, SH Collins (2017) “Muscle recruitment and coordination with an ankle exoskeleton.” Journal of Biomechanics

Synergy structure and activations had minimal changes with increasing exoskeleton torque.

Journal article in Journal of Biomechanics:

How do muscle activations and synergies change when an individual wears an ankle exoskeleton during gait?

Abstract: Exoskeletons have the potential to assist and augment human performance. Understanding how users adapt their movement and neuromuscular control in response to external assistance is important to inform the design of these devices. The aim of this research was to evaluate changes in muscle recruitment and coordination for ten unimpaired individuals walking with an ankle exoskeleton. We evaluated changes in the activity of individual muscles, cocontraction levels, and synergistic patterns of muscle coordination with increasing exoskeleton work and torque. Participants were able to selectively reduce activity of the ankle plantarflexors with increasing exoskeleton assistance. Increasing exoskeleton net work resulted in greater reductions in muscle activity than increasing exoskeleton torque. Patterns of muscle coordination were not restricted or constrained to synergistic patterns observed during unassisted walking. While three synergies could describe nearly 95% of the variance in electromyography data during unassisted walking, these same synergies could describe only 85–90% of the variance in muscle activity while walking with the exoskeleton. Synergies calculated with the exoskeleton demonstrated greater changes in synergy weights with increasing exoskeleton work versus greater changes in synergy activations with increasing exoskeleton torque. These results support the theory that unimpaired individuals do not exclusively use central pattern generators or other low-level building blocks to coordinate muscle activity, especially when learning a new task or adapting to external assistance, and demonstrate the potential for using exoskeletons to modulate muscle recruitment and coordination patterns for rehabilitation or performance.Synergy structure and activations had minimal changes with increasing exoskeleton torque.

NIH cerebral palsy strategic plan – our comments

The National Institutes of Health recently released the “Strategic Plan for Cerebral Palsy Research” which outlines challenges and priorities to guide future research to improve the lives of people with cerebral palsy.

Our diverse research group enjoyed reading and discussing this plan, which will likely influence our future research goals and support. We’ve shared our group’s comments, organized and prepared by Dr. Heather Feldner, below:

“Our research group appreciated the committee’s focus on creating a centralized data source for CP, attention to the needs and perspectives of adults with CP, their childhood experiences, and their transition from pediatric to adult healthcare providers, and the call for greater caregiver support services and patient-reported outcomes. However, we also had concerns. First, the terminology is inconsistent and often inappropriate. “Cure”, “damage”, and the implication that people with CP cannot be “healthy” is not empowering language in supporting the lives, unique contributions, and perspectives of people with CP as diverse and valued individuals in our society. Further, while advocates of people with CP were included in this stakeholder group, there is a concerning lack of people who actually have a diagnosis of CP, when these should be the primary stakeholders setting a research agenda about their own lives and needs. Finally, given the uncertainty of government funding agencies like the NIH under the current administration’s budget proposal, and the speed of science of translating research from bench to bedside, it appears that too little priority has been placed on interventions or programs that could have an influence right now for the people living with CP in the US dealing with self-identified participation issues such as access to employment and education, as well as impairment-related needs such as pain management, access to technology, and functional mobility.

We are excited that NIH is engaged to set a national research agenda for cerebral palsy and we look forward to continuing to serve this community.

Logo of NINDS/NICHD Plan for cerebral palsy research

An introduction to HuskyADAPT (Accessible Design and Play Technology)

A team of volunteer students work together to solder an adaptive switch onto a toy in time for the holidays.About HuskyADAPT: HuskyADAPT (Accessible Design and Play Technology) is a new collaboration between the UW Departments of Bioengineering, Mechanical Engineering, the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, and the Division of Physical Therapy.

The Problem: Play is important for all age groups – for socialization, development, learning, and community engagement. In the Pacific Northwest, there are over 1.5 million people with disabilities- people who face a lack of access to environments and experiences that are inclusively designed to enable meaningful engagement in life and play.

Our Goal: We aim to create the first adaptive toy lending library in our state and in the region, including on-line infrastructure for sharing open-source designs, integrating outreach events to encourage underrepresented groups in STEM, and expanding access to inclusive play technology. Because Play is for Everyone!

To learn more, visit our website, facebook page, or follow this link for HuskyADAPT visuals (PDF).

Upcoming Webinar – Making Engineering Welcoming and Accessible for Students with Disabilities

Upcoming Webinar – Making Engineering Welcoming and Accessible for Students with Disabilities

Making Engineering Welcoming and Accessible for Students with Disabilities

Check out this upcoming webinar featuring some of our AccessEngineering team!

Date and Time
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Complimentary 1-hour session! 1-2 pm ET, 12-1 pm CT, 11 am-12 pm MT, 10-11 am PTSponsored by NAPE, STEM Equity Pipeline, and the National Science Foundation


This webinar focuses on strategies for making engineering welcoming and accessible for students with disabilities. The University of Washington presenters run the AccessEngineering program, a nationwide program that works to increase the participation of people with disabilities in engineering academic programs and careers and improve engineering with their expertise. Project staffs engage faculty and students nationwide in efforts to (1) better serve a diverse student body, including students with a broad range of disabilities, in engineering courses and programs, and (2) integrate relevant accessibility-related and universal design content into engineering courses.

Intended Audience Community college, high school and university faculty, counselors, CTE and STEM staff

Objectives Participants will

  1. Gain an understanding of AccessEngineering and strategies to better serve a diverse student body.
  2. Learn methods to integrate disability-related and universal design content into engineering courses.
  3. Become familiar with strategies to make engineering labs and maker spaces accessible.


Register for this 1-hour complimentary webinar on Wednesday, January 18, 2017. Once you register for the complimentary event, information and instructions about accessing the event will be sent to your email address