J Wu, BR Shuman, BW Brunton, KM Steele, JD Olson, RPN Rao (2016) “Multistep model for predicting upper-limb 3D isometric force application from pre-movement electrocorticographic features.” IEEE Engineering Medicine & Biology

J Wu, BR Shuman, BW Brunton, KM Steele, JD Olson, RPN Rao (2016) “Multistep model for predicting upper-limb 3D isometric force application from pre-movement electrocorticographic features.” IEEE Engineering Medicine & Biology

Peer-reviewed paper at IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Annual Conference:

Can we estimate upper-extremity force production from electrocorticographic recordings?

Example of ECoG recording during upper-extremity force production.Abstract: Neural correlates of movement planning onset and direction may be present in human electrocorticography in the signal dynamics of both motor and non-motor cortical regions. We use a three-stage model of jPCA reduced-rank hidden Markov model (jPCA-RR-HMM), regularized shrunken-centroid discriminant analysis (RDA), and LASSO regression to extract direction-sensitive planning information and movement onset in an upper-limb 3D isometric force task in a human subject. This mode achieves a relatively high true positive force-onset prediction rate of 60% within 250ms, and an above-chance 36% accuracy (17% chance) in predicting one of six planned 3D directions of isometric force using pre-movement signals. We also find direction-distinguishing information up to 400ms before force onset in the pre-movement signals, captured by electrodes placed over the limb-ipsilateral dorsal premotor regions. This approach can contribute to more accurate decoding of higher-level movement goals, at earlier timescales, and inform sensor placement. Our results also contribute to further understanding of the spatiotemporal features of human motor planning.

Perfect Pitch Competition – Gaurav places after presenting his research in 90 seconds

Gaurav Mukherjee participated and won the second position among the UWIN Fellows at the Perfect Pitch competition organized by the Washington Research Foundation funded institutes on Tuesday July 12, 2016

The Perfect Pitch Contest is an opportunity to develop the communication skills needed to explain your research question, the solution you are developing, and the potential impact of the project in a clear, concise, and compelling fashion.  This skill is essential for any career path including academia, industry, and government.  A smart pitch could help you get a job, win funding for a grant, persuade a collaborator to partner with you, or perhaps even fund your startup company.

The Perfect Pitch contest provides participants the opportunity to present a 90-second pitch and one slide related to their research.

Recent UWIN Awardees stand in a line in front of their posters. Gaurav Mukherjee gives his 90 second research pitch to an auditorium filled with people.

H Choi, TL Wren, KM Steele (2016) “Gastrocnemius operating length with ankle foot orthoses in cerebral palsy.” Prosthetics & Orthotics International

H Choi, TL Wren, KM Steele (2016) “Gastrocnemius operating length with ankle foot orthoses in cerebral palsy.” Prosthetics & Orthotics International

Journal article in Prosthetics & Orthotics International:

How does the operating length of the gastrocnemius vary with different common AFOs in children with cerebral palsy?

Clinical relevance: Determining whether ankle foot orthoses stretch tight muscles can inform future orthotic design and potentially provide a platform for integrating therapy into daily life. However, stretching tight muscles must be balanced with other goals of orthoses such as improving gait and preventing bone deformities.